Marjoris Pirela

El ratón Pérez está en huelga

Children’s Book Illustration This lovely and angry mouse is Don Esteban Pérez, better known as the Peréz mouse, descendant of the Peréz family, they are the best tooth collectors in the world! Every night he goes through the houses to exchange teeth for coins but he has decided, he will not collect children’s teeth again … Read moreEl ratón Pérez está en huelga

Lisa Supersonrisa y Mika la Quejica

Children’s Book Illustration A story full of fun rhymes and colorful drawings that will surely attract the attention of the little ones. It stars Lisa (proactive) and Mika (reactive), two antagonistic characters who deal with situations differently. Una historia repleta de divertidas rimas que atraerán la atención de los más pequeños. Protagonizada por Lisa (proactiva) … Read moreLisa Supersonrisa y Mika la Quejica

Sam, el Gamusino

Children’s Book Illustration My second illustrated book: Sam, el Gamusino. I had the opportunity to represent these cute creatures from Spanish folklore. This book has been written by Belén Monreal and published by Cáprica Ediciones. Mi segundo libro ilustrado: Sam, el Gamusino. Tuve la oportunidad de representar a estas lindas criaturas del folclore español. Escrito … Read moreSam, el Gamusino


Loc&Capture Illustration, Concept Art Loc & Capture is a company dedicated to the localization and production of promotional videos for video games. I had the opportunity to design all the characters and also some environments and assets. Loc & Capture es una empresa que se dedica a la localización y producción de vídeos promocionales para … Read moreLoc&Capture

La Abeja Eli

Children’s Book Illustration This little happy bee is Eli, she is the protagonist of the book that I have made with so much love and enthusiasm. This book has been written by Belén Monreal and published by the Malian publisher. Esta alegre abejita es Eli, la protagonista del libro que he ilustrado y maquetado con … Read moreLa Abeja Eli

Life In Data Project

Life in Data Graphic Design, Illustration Visual Identity Design for “Life in Data”, a multidisciplinary network to deliberate the creative and pedagogical challenges, and civic potentials of data literacy. Life in Data is a data literacy and innovation research network funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and led by University of Stirling. Principal investigators: … Read moreLife In Data Project


STICKERS! Illustration, Personal Work When words are not enough, it’s time to draw! I communicate better with drawings, so to express better what I feel, I illustrated stickers for myself and my love that we can use in our WhatsApp messages. Cuando las palabras no son suficientes, ¡es momento de dibujar! Me comunico mejor con … Read moreSTICKERS


Character Design Illustration, Personal Work Character design inspired by the 90s series: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, created for digital illustration classes at Coco School, European School for Communication and Visual Arts. Diseño de personaje inspirado en la serie de las noventas: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, para la clase de Ilustración Digital en Coco … Read moreFRESH


Character Design Illustration, Personal Work Character Design created for digital illustration classes at Coco School, European School for Communication and Visual Arts. Diseño de personaje para la clase de Ilustración Digital en Coco School, Escuela Europea para la Comunicación y las Artes Visuales. Previous Next Previous Next Back to Home More Works! Contact me Instagram … Read moreMAX


Pattern Design Illustration, Personal Work Design of patterns for the Visual Identity of Coco School, European School for communication and visual arts, for its second headquarters located in Mexico City. Diseño de patrones como parte de la Identidad Gráfica de Coco School, Escuela Europea para la Comunicación y las Artes Visuales, con motivo de inauguración … Read moreCOCO PATTERNS